Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines [Physical]

• The allocated time for Oral Presentations is 15 minutes and 3 minutes for questions and answers.
• PowerPoint or similar presentations should be brought to the conference on a USB and be PC compatible.
• Your presentation should be loaded onto the lectern computer and tested prior to your session (during the registration time, coffee breaks or lunchtime) so that they run smoothly without any delays. Student volunteers will be available in each session room to assist with loading your presentations onto the lectern computer.
• All session rooms will be equipped with projector screens and a computer with Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF reader.
• Please arrive at the session room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and introduce yourself to the Session Chair and student assistant.
• You are required to hand over a clearly written short biography to Session Chairs to introduce you to the audience. In your biography, please limit the content to academic titles, graduation dates, institute(s), job functions, and research interests. The purpose of the Oral biography is to allow the Session Chair to briefly introduce you to the audience and it should be less than 100 words.

Oral Presentation Guidelines [Virtual]

• The allocated time for Oral Presentations is 15 minutes and 3 minutes for questions and answers.
• PowerPoint or similar presentations should be ready in your end to present via Zoom.
• Please join the zoom session 10 minutes before the start and introduce yourself to the Session Chair.
• Share your biography with the Session Chair to introduce you to the audience. In your biography, please limit the content to academic titles, graduation dates, institute(s), job functions, and research interests. The purpose of the Oral biography is to allow the Session Chair to briefly introduce you to the audience and it should be less than 100 words.
• We encourage you to stay for the whole session and participate in discussions.

Venue Location

Aloft Hotel,


Mr. Zain Buksh
Email: [email protected]
Phone: + 679 999 2866

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